Bentley's Fresh Coffee
Each day, we are invited into the homes of our customers to create inspiring and memorable spaces, all accompanied by the comfort of a hot cup of coffee.
This daily ritual is more than a gesture; it's a genuine and warm-hearted welcome.
Throughout all of the homes, people, coffee blends, and brewing methods we've been introduced to, we've developed a keen taste for a great cup of coffee.
Just as we demonstrate in our meticulous bespoke work, we felt compelled to extend our craftsmanship into the creation of the perfect brew - not a tradesman's brew.
Frequently Asked Questions
Coffee doesn’t go off but it will lose flavour over time. The degradation period depends on how you store your coffee.
As our coffee is ground to order, you can expect to get the best out of your coffee for up to 2 weeks from purchase. With correct storage, ground coffee will retain most of it’s flavour for a month or two, but the taste will not be as vibrant.
If you store our roasted whole beans correctly and grind as you need, you can expect to get the best out of your coffee from 3 days up to 3 weeks after roasting.
The number one rule to keeping your coffee as fresh as possible is to keep it airtight. Otherwise, it will oxidise.
Coffee also loves to be kept cool, dry and dark, so you should keep it out of direct sunlight and away from moisture or heat – tucked away in a cupboard or pantry is ideal.
As our packaging is resealable and airtight, there’s no need to decant your coffee after purchasing with us. Our packaging also has a one-way valve to vent excess oxygen and carbon dioxide (which is emitted by coffee after roasting).
While coffee loves to be kept cool, the fridge could actually do more harm than good.
Temperature fluctuations caused by taking coffee in and out of the fridge will result in a build-up of moisture (condensation), causing your coffee to bloom slightly resulting in a loss of flavour.
Yes, by keeping your beans whole until you need them, you will reduce the severity of oxidation.
However, we understand that not everyone has a grinder and at the rate we drink our coffee at, the lifespan of freshness isn’t in jeopardy!
Freshly Roasted Ground Coffee:
• Whole roasted coffee beans, ground for brewing.
• Offers a rich, complex flavour and aroma.
• Best when consumed relatively soon after roasting.
Instant Coffee:
• Either dried coffee concentrate or brewed coffee freeze-dried.
• Has a simpler flavour and is less aromatic.
• Has a longer shelf life than ground coffee.